Thursday 6 August 2015


" Sometimes, it's not the people that change but the mask that falls off. " -

There are so many types of endings. The kind which leaves us feeling blessed and content. The kind which leaves us heartbroken and sad. And there is also the kind which leaves us in between, empty and confused. The days that leave us wondering how we ended up like that. The empty conversations full of nothing but small talks. The gaze in their eyes that tell you everything you'll never want to know because it's going to hurt a lot. We spend so much time wondering if we could go back to how we used to be, how things were just in their right places. And the irony is that we find ourselves tearing up upon thinking of the happy moments. I don't know what all these actually imply, I just know that a person would have to go through all of these at any point of his/her life. It's not going to be easy. We all know that it takes more than just courage to overcome the fear.
The fear is not that we are going to suffer but the fear is that we're going to be alone at the end of the day.

You see, people will change. There is no guarantee that they're going to stay with you for as long as the earth goes around the sun. There is no such promise that people won't get sick and tired of you. And there is no such ending where everyone is going to be here, always. I'm not sure why some people have the right to leave and exit your life, as if you never mattered. I honestly don't think it's morally right. But then again, we can continue to blame them for everything but at the end of the day, who's the one at the losing end? You see, we can continue to chase after people to fight for their attention and eventually, tire ourselves out but there isn't actually a need to. Why cross an ocean for someone who wouldn't even cross a puddle for you? It's alright to be kind. It's honestly such a great thing to be nice to others but there is a fine line between being nice and being trampled over by the people we care for. Everyone is going to change and it goes the same for you. You'll change. Eventually, you'll start to learn the importance of being happy and do things that make YOU happy and not just to satisfy people. It's in your hands. You can shape the ending you desire. You don't have to go after people who have made the decision to leave. You're more than just that. I hope that each and everyone of you here, reading this, know that you're all special in your ways and you don't have to please people to fit in and continue winning over people who have left. There are so many more people who are going to appear in your life and it's not worth it to give everything up for a person who doesn't care. 
     Credits to Owner. 

You can do this. You are better off without the people who make you feel bad about yourself. Be happy. 
Best of luck 💫