Wednesday 26 November 2014

Words can hurt

Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.
Words can make someone feel good. A compliment or two can brighten his/her day. In our everyday lives, have we taken the opportunity to greet someone with a big smile? As society changes, people change too and gradually, they start to lose their character. Though words can put a smile on someone's face, they can also be the reason why the blazer is sliding across his/her arm. Such irony. But it's true. The words that we unintentionally let out cannot be taken back. Perhaps, it's an entertainment for you but someone out there may be shutting his/her doors breaking down because of you. The words you said. You can take them back. He/She may let this go but there are some things in life that cannot be forgotten. 

It hurts to have someone saying mean things of you behind your back. It hurts to know that you have to be labelled by their names. It's no longer just 'fun'. It's torturing someone emotionally, playing with his/her emotions like a game. It's having what you call 'fun' at the expense of someone's pain. It's a broken recorder, repeating the words in your head over and over again. It's bullying.

Everyone has a right to have his/her opinions but it's no longer right when you judge someone just because he/she isn't your cup of tea. It's just very ....... wrong.
Words are powerful. A wound inflicted by a sword will heal and no matter how long it takes, it will heal but a wound inflicted by words will never heal. It stays there till your walls are knocked down and you will begin to crumble. Bullying is horrifying.

The fact that a person with a beating heart can cause such emotional damage to a person who did nearly nothing. It's not that he/she refuses to fight back and stand up for herself but it's the insecurity and fear that the people he/she loved would just leave her/him, one by one, leaving him to be swallowed in his/her darkness. The words we say. The damage caused. We will never understand what that person has been through and neither will we understand how is it like to be treated like trash. The pain just stays there but on a second thought, the pain isn't there anymore because the heart is just numb. It has grown accustomed to the pain to the extent that it's just experiencinh the many setbacks of a day. It's hard to imagine how's it like to go to school with heavy footsteps, with thoughts of gossips and teasing from the kids in your class. It's hard to imagine how's it like to go to work, knowing the fact that gossips from the boss's bootlickers could lose your income to provide for the family. 

You know, people study hard and aspire to get a good job after graduating from college/ university but what's the point of reading ridiculous amounts of books when we don't even have the basic principle in us to respect people as to who they are and not based on our judgements?  And yet, the society works in a way where those who really need help, the ones that couldn't make it by themselves because they would just collapse, are just tossed aside and left to fend for themselves. And those who fake it all, attention seeking, are loved by many people. - Adapted from

credits : owner

The kid in your class whom everyone calls fat. He's skipping three meals per day to fit in. The nerd in your class everyone makes fun of. She's pressurized by her parents and has anxiety attacks. The girl in your class who's apparently defined as 'ugly' is saving money to undergo a plastic surgery which will make her feel better. Emotionally and physically. 
We all have stories of our own and no one has the right to judge someone based on his/her preferences. The words we say that many at times, we hardly take note of. But please. Take the effort to think through before speaking. I can't promise you that things are going to be better or what but trust me. 

Because at least, there will be one lesser person who's cooping under the blanket, escaping from reality. One lesser person whose razor is sliding across his/her arm. 
Bullying is not a joke. It can cause a person anguish and pain. And that, is no longer a reason for you to continue.
What may seem 'fun','entertaining' to us may be at the expense of someone's pain. Become the change you want to see. A positive change maker to end bullying starts with you. Stay strong.

Best Of Luck
Priscilla x

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