Friday 11 December 2015

Why awkwardness is our own barrier

The title is pretty misleading, huh? There are so many emotions we can actually imagine that actually take place in us. Most of us are pretty aware that basically, there are 4 generalized emotions. Joy, anger, sadness & fear. ( Inside out reference as we all know HAHAHA)  But, I feel like there's always this emotion that often goes unnoticeable. It isn't anything like anger or joy. Neither it is anything like sadness or fear but rather, it's more of an in-between. Personally, feeling this way sucks so much. Awkwardness. Gosh, I literally hate this feeling & I can guarantee people are feeling this way at least once everyday but really, what is awkwardness? Basically, feeling uncomfortable or not at ease. Well, this was according to the dictionary but rather, I like to think that awkwardness is a lack of confidence. Perhaps, because of someone's presence or act, you just literally want to squirm into a hole and just hide from everything that can possibly exist. I must say, that no matter how confident a person is, there will always be something or someone who makes him/her feel awkward at a point of time. This isn't just purely uncomfortable but I like to think that although there are cases where people meet strangers and get all uncomfortable, there are also cases where certain people make you want to avoid them & really, just stop existing. Why?

It all goes back to our complex inferiority. If someone who has always been feeling conscious about her height stands next to a friend whose height is perfect according to her, he/she would feel inferior. Seems a little over exaggerated, right? But, honestly speaking, things like this really do happen. We just don't notice, or choose to not face the truth. There isn't really any thing we can do about the people we feel uncomfortable with because the problem doesn't lie with them. But rather, us. It's totally alright and it's okay to feel this way. ITS NOT OUR FAULT. We're humans and humans feel so what wrong lies in it? 

Accept yourself. Your flaws & everything you feel conscious about. Take them all in. They're all part of you and it's beautiful because in this world where people are often too busy or too conscious of what others think, it's honestly, really beautiful, for a person to stay true to himself/herself. How rare is it to have someone not losing himself/herself when too many, MANY people lose themselves to fit in with the norm & people. It's okay to be the one choosing the odds. It's okay to be the only one with weirdness literally bursting out of you. It's truly rare. Don't adjust yourselves to people's standards to feel better about yourself. I've always believed that you should be surrounded by people not to make yourself feel better , but to enrich your life with more beautiful things. Awkwardness, psh. Nothing really seems too big of a deal, actually. It's just that we feel a lot and overthink too many things. Take a step back, relax a little. No one is actually really superior to anyone. It's just the inner thoughts in us creating this illusion, Each and everyone of us has our own insecurities and we're all flawed in many ways but it's never supposed to be an issue because God never wanted us to be perfect. He created us differently with different talents and specialities. And together with our good, came the flaws. To accept them is to accept ourselves. To embrace the flaws and make them an important significance of us is really what creates that sparkle in each of us. Don't compare yourself to anyone, don't. Why should we when we're all uniquely different yet beautiful in our own ways? 

To you, who's ever once felt that way, inferior and awkward, I just really want to let you know that you don't have to do anything to become less awkward and more sociable. People are coming up with more solutions but the only thing I've ever believed is to be yourself. Don't attempt to create the you who's really not you but that 'you' you were once. Playing under the rain and saying whatever comes to mind. Don't tense up, be yourself because that's what we've all forgotten all these years after we turned 10. 10 because I remembered people telling me to grow up and plan my future so that I'm ahead of others. But along the way, I finally realized that all we should actually be wanting to do is to not let anyone dull that sparkle in us and to not ever lose yourself. Be who you are and you'll find the right people who love you for who you are. Forget about being popular or hoping to be accepted by the rest. Accept yourself, firstly. 
You're not alone, step by step, and the day will come where you're applaud for yourself, the you who has stayed true all the way. It's never too late. 

Best Of Luck ❤️

Thursday 6 August 2015


" Sometimes, it's not the people that change but the mask that falls off. " -

There are so many types of endings. The kind which leaves us feeling blessed and content. The kind which leaves us heartbroken and sad. And there is also the kind which leaves us in between, empty and confused. The days that leave us wondering how we ended up like that. The empty conversations full of nothing but small talks. The gaze in their eyes that tell you everything you'll never want to know because it's going to hurt a lot. We spend so much time wondering if we could go back to how we used to be, how things were just in their right places. And the irony is that we find ourselves tearing up upon thinking of the happy moments. I don't know what all these actually imply, I just know that a person would have to go through all of these at any point of his/her life. It's not going to be easy. We all know that it takes more than just courage to overcome the fear.
The fear is not that we are going to suffer but the fear is that we're going to be alone at the end of the day.

You see, people will change. There is no guarantee that they're going to stay with you for as long as the earth goes around the sun. There is no such promise that people won't get sick and tired of you. And there is no such ending where everyone is going to be here, always. I'm not sure why some people have the right to leave and exit your life, as if you never mattered. I honestly don't think it's morally right. But then again, we can continue to blame them for everything but at the end of the day, who's the one at the losing end? You see, we can continue to chase after people to fight for their attention and eventually, tire ourselves out but there isn't actually a need to. Why cross an ocean for someone who wouldn't even cross a puddle for you? It's alright to be kind. It's honestly such a great thing to be nice to others but there is a fine line between being nice and being trampled over by the people we care for. Everyone is going to change and it goes the same for you. You'll change. Eventually, you'll start to learn the importance of being happy and do things that make YOU happy and not just to satisfy people. It's in your hands. You can shape the ending you desire. You don't have to go after people who have made the decision to leave. You're more than just that. I hope that each and everyone of you here, reading this, know that you're all special in your ways and you don't have to please people to fit in and continue winning over people who have left. There are so many more people who are going to appear in your life and it's not worth it to give everything up for a person who doesn't care. 
     Credits to Owner. 

You can do this. You are better off without the people who make you feel bad about yourself. Be happy. 
Best of luck 💫

Thursday 14 May 2015

Be you.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
If you had a chance to become someone else for a day, who would you want to be? Often, this questions comes across my mind. I feel like typical people, perhaps, you and I, would want to be someone great. Someone popular, pretty or even our very own best friends. And you know, it's become a habit for us to constantly admire people around us. It's a good thing, it really is. I'm not denying that fact. But it's just that as we admire others, we evidently forget ourselves. 
That's sad, isn't it? We have always been looking up to people to only end up despising ourselves. At the end of the day, we don't want to become the true us. We laugh because we feel like there's a need to, behave the way people would want us to and keep everything to our vulnerable selves. It may seem rare, but believe me. I believe that there's a million people out there including the people around you who find this familiar. 
"The need to fit in to avoid people's judgements."
Everyone does it so it becomes weird if you don't. If you don't, people stray away from you. And to avoid that, we behave the way everyone does because we fear. It's that sense of insecurity that fears us, and that, we're gonna be alone at the end of the day. It's scary, just thinking about it. And that's probably why we try to fit in and hide our true selves. We feel like people are watching us, observing our every move, judging us. And so, it gradually becomes a habit to behave how a person should behave to avoid embarrassment and judgement. It's atrocious that everyone's hiding behind a mask but at the same time, we can't do without it. God shapes us in many different ways, hence different characters and faces. We differ from one another because each and everyone of is unique in every single way. 
Apply the same logic then. If we're all different and special in different way, why should we then feel the need to blend in with the majority and do what everyone does? In fact, there's no need to. This logic is made up by how society has been brought up and we can either choose to conform to it. Or go against it. If the world was full of insecure people, then where do we find happiness? Real happiness. It's indeed fortunate that around us, there are people who love themselves for who they are and it's obvious. You can see the gleam in their eyes. It's not mascara, contact lens that make their eyes special but it's that gleam that tells you all they want to be is themselves. Their true selves instead of convering up their insecurities. It's okay, you know, to be insecure. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay, you don't have to hide them. Show them, show your insecurities. Don't hide them, this is what makes you special and different from the rest. Judgement is unavoidable. I've heard that a person automically makes an impression of a person in 7 seconds and you can tell, it's pretty short. But if all we had were 7 seconds, you either go big or go home. Be confident, show them what you're made up of, truly. There are going to be people who don't like you. Yes, this is reality. This is not a happily-ever-after land. It's unavoidable, again. But again, we have the choice to be affected or shake it off with humour. And because, it's so rare to have people being so true and real, there are going to be people who find you interesting to befriend and who knows, he/she could be your closest best friend. This is what the world is about. There are going to be times where things get hard or you feel like giving up. But above all that, one thing that people lack is being true to who they are. It's gratifying to be able to live according to who you truly and be surrounded with people who truly treasure you for who you are. Live a life you want to have and not projected to what others want you to. Say 'No' to things you don't want to do and stand firm in your beliefs. 
It's your call to be yourself. 
   ( credits to owner of picture ^ )