Sunday 31 August 2014


'In the space between yes and no, there's a lifetime. It's the difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it's the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; its the legroom for the lies you'll tell yourself in the future.'    - Jodi Picoult
Today, I want to talk about choices. In our everyday lives, we make decisions for practically everything. What should we wear in the morning? What breakfast shall I have? These mere yet important decisions actually, surprisingly, determine the start of a beautiful day. For example, if we choose not to have breakfast, we might suffer from gastrics later ok the afternoon but if you had chosen to have breakfast, you are most probably able to carry out the day with a fresh mind. In general, choices can be said as a stepping stone in a life journey. 

Why do we make choices? 
There are instances where we need to make a quick yet wise judgement. A situation that requires the need to be decided with different choices. 

Making the wrong choice 
Though we make choices all the time, there will be a time where we make a wrong choice. For example, mixing with the wrong company. Making a bad choice may result in dire consequences. And at that point of time, our walls start to crumble. We start to lose hope and wonder what's the solution to end it all. Yes, I've been there. Everyone has probably been there. But what keeps us going is the mental strength in us to believe the reasons behind our choices. We may have made a wrong judgement but there's always a turning point as long as you're willing to learn and treat this as a lesson. 

Believing in our choices
A choice that you make may not necessarily be approved or recognized by everyone and in here, I'm referring to a choice made with the right principles. We start to hesitate and wonder if we should forsake our decisions. But remember that when the world is against you, you need to prove them wrong. Prove to them that you have made the right choice through your actions. Because nothing will start unless we do.

Learning from our choices
Regardless of whether we made a right or a wrong choice, be grateful for the consequences because you're likely to end up with either a blessed ending or an ending which proves as an important lesson to instill values in us. 

To end it off, remember to take charge of your life and make the right choices for our destinies lie in our hands!
    ^Choices with principles applied (of course !)

Best of Luck
Priscilla x

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