Friday 1 August 2014

We're only humans :)

I guess humans are humans, aren't they? 
At some points, we feel like we're not good enough or people around us make us feel inferior. It's the human mind, I must say. It's a basic instinct to feel a little down after knowing that you're not good as others or it's just you feeling that way. Different emotions in 365 days. It's important to feel sad because we're only humans and that it shows that we do care at times. But It's even more very important to know the reason behind certain emotions. 
Ask yourself. Why am I angry? Or why am I sad? Why am I feeling this way? Is it because someone had upsetted you? Or is it just one of those  bad days? 
I can't list out every situation and to provide solutions as to why and how. 
But here's five ways that might hopefully help you :
1. Do something that you enjoy.
Sports? Music? Or simply just staying home and treating yourself to a good sensational book ;) Go out there and find something that you like to do. We're all  of different characters and growing under different situations but I'm pretty sure that each and everyone of us has something to develop and you can take that first step to something bigger than what you've ever imagined! :) 

2. Laugh Out Loud
Even the best medicine in the world can certainly never beat this, I must say. LAUGHTER HAHAHA !!!!! The best way to relax and stay chill is to just laugh your way through phases and really, try not to be too tensed up all the time for you might be actually hiding that fun self in you. Laughter's not that hard to find though. All you have to do is to dial a favourite person and start chatting away and before you realise it, I certainly guarantee that you'll be feeling better in no time! Because a laughter a day keeps the mood swings away!  But wait, note that you should try to get back on track if you're laughing like a mad man every second HAHAHA ( did I make you laugh ) 

3. Eat and Exercise
The realistic idea of being happy is to treat ourselves well just simply because when our bodies are in a good condition, we naturally feel better. Just like how a bad hair day would affect how we perform for the day. It really goes down to what we're especially particular in. Eat more vegetables and treat yourself to a tub of ice-cream on certain days where nothing can really make us feel better. Fruits would definitely be the best source of fibre too! 
We all know having to wake up early in the morning to jog is definitely a chore but it's said that the human mind tend to be wider awake and fresher as we exercise in the morning. Take the effort to wake up an hour or two earlier in the morning to jog around your neighbourhood or simply stretch at home to loosen up your tensed muscles in the morning! Plenty of plain water will definitely do the trick to have brighter and clearer skin and of course, keeping the body in good condition and shape!

4. Keep track of your life
A diary would be the ultimate key. Keeping track of the things you do each day helps to set your goals and to achieve them step by step. 
Take a short 5 minutes to recollect the events that had happened recently and note them all down on a book! Or simply in your handy phone! As we face different phases of life, there are times where we need to learn how to sit back and think about the happy days but when we're done, it's time to move on gurl!

5. Be positive
Nothing can be better than having good thoughts. Mixing with our loved ones and having common interests to stay active and naturally, we'll start to have dreams and work for them. By having good thoughts, the people around us will feel comfortable and will certainly enjoy our company! Look at beautiful things happening around us. Birds chirping, the lovely sunrise and a hearty breakfast. Being optimistic will allow you to feel good about yourself and the way we should treasure ourselves every day! Start today by thinking and feeling good!

6. gasps* I think this is really necessary although I've added another way though 
Be yourself.
To love the people around you, you have to start by loving yourself and just be simply you. Don't let what others say matter to you. Laugh and joke around a little, it definitely makes life easier rather than having to think over every small little thing and in turn, affect your emotions! Don't hide your true self for real friends or loved ones will definitely be standing by you regardless of what happens. 
You may be imperfect but hey! Everyone's imperfect too! Show your skills and improve on your flaws as you take every day by a step. 
Isn't that what life's all about?

Best of luck to each and everyone of you!
Remember to stay happy!




  1. Yup :D I think being positive really helps, it motivates us to our best in everything we do. N u made me laughed quite a bit as I read through the article haha :'D

    I think one of the hardest is to just be ourselves... There are some parts of us that we would do anything to change but we just can't change... And it doesn't help that people specifically comment on that particular parts of u... But I guess we just got to cope with it :/

    Thanks for the amazing blog post :)

  2. thank you for sharing your opinions with me :) yeap indeed the hardest part is nothing but simply being ourselves. It's hard but as long as we finally overcome our insecurities and understand the little things in our life that we've overlooked, things will get better :') I hope this will help :)
