Tuesday 8 July 2014


' If I said this world was perfect, I'd probably be lying because
1. that only happens in fairy tales. 
2. Reality. '

In this world, there are over 230 countries and in each country, there will always be families that aren't as well off compared to other households. It's funny how this world works. We like pretty people so we start hating on ugly people. We judge one another based on each other's attires and languages. It's funny how we know that materials don't make a man but it's the heart that makes one yet we continue living in this judgmental way of life. It's also sad that people who are judged are unable to stand up for themselves or even oppose. They just silently accept it, not because they have to, but simply because in this world, almost everything works this way.
Are you in this situation? 
Pretty. Smart. Charismatic. Genius. Rich.
Instead of all these labels that affect the way we carry out ourselves, isn't it time to open our hearts and minds to truly look at a person? For once, look at a person but not with your eyes. Not with your minds. Not with the realistic thinking you've been using for the past 10, 20 years of your life. But simply with your heart. Look at a person with your heart and it is only then, you will be able to see how this person truly is.  
Everyone has a story to tell. 
For every story, everyone had gone through something that changed them. 
But what matters isn't that you've changed but instead, do ask yourself whether you are still carrying hope.

There's no purpose in life without hope because only hope can keep a person's spirit to continue burning without being fazed. All in all, the root of all these situations is the way we think. Give a chance to those who deserve it but can't, due to circumstances. If we could think a little deeper or even understand someone better, I think it's gonna make a whole lot of a great difference.
'No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. ' - Nelson Mandela
And with that, I'll end here. 
'Purely my opinion'


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