Wednesday 26 November 2014

Words can hurt

Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.
Words can make someone feel good. A compliment or two can brighten his/her day. In our everyday lives, have we taken the opportunity to greet someone with a big smile? As society changes, people change too and gradually, they start to lose their character. Though words can put a smile on someone's face, they can also be the reason why the blazer is sliding across his/her arm. Such irony. But it's true. The words that we unintentionally let out cannot be taken back. Perhaps, it's an entertainment for you but someone out there may be shutting his/her doors breaking down because of you. The words you said. You can take them back. He/She may let this go but there are some things in life that cannot be forgotten. 

It hurts to have someone saying mean things of you behind your back. It hurts to know that you have to be labelled by their names. It's no longer just 'fun'. It's torturing someone emotionally, playing with his/her emotions like a game. It's having what you call 'fun' at the expense of someone's pain. It's a broken recorder, repeating the words in your head over and over again. It's bullying.

Everyone has a right to have his/her opinions but it's no longer right when you judge someone just because he/she isn't your cup of tea. It's just very ....... wrong.
Words are powerful. A wound inflicted by a sword will heal and no matter how long it takes, it will heal but a wound inflicted by words will never heal. It stays there till your walls are knocked down and you will begin to crumble. Bullying is horrifying.

The fact that a person with a beating heart can cause such emotional damage to a person who did nearly nothing. It's not that he/she refuses to fight back and stand up for herself but it's the insecurity and fear that the people he/she loved would just leave her/him, one by one, leaving him to be swallowed in his/her darkness. The words we say. The damage caused. We will never understand what that person has been through and neither will we understand how is it like to be treated like trash. The pain just stays there but on a second thought, the pain isn't there anymore because the heart is just numb. It has grown accustomed to the pain to the extent that it's just experiencinh the many setbacks of a day. It's hard to imagine how's it like to go to school with heavy footsteps, with thoughts of gossips and teasing from the kids in your class. It's hard to imagine how's it like to go to work, knowing the fact that gossips from the boss's bootlickers could lose your income to provide for the family. 

You know, people study hard and aspire to get a good job after graduating from college/ university but what's the point of reading ridiculous amounts of books when we don't even have the basic principle in us to respect people as to who they are and not based on our judgements?  And yet, the society works in a way where those who really need help, the ones that couldn't make it by themselves because they would just collapse, are just tossed aside and left to fend for themselves. And those who fake it all, attention seeking, are loved by many people. - Adapted from

credits : owner

The kid in your class whom everyone calls fat. He's skipping three meals per day to fit in. The nerd in your class everyone makes fun of. She's pressurized by her parents and has anxiety attacks. The girl in your class who's apparently defined as 'ugly' is saving money to undergo a plastic surgery which will make her feel better. Emotionally and physically. 
We all have stories of our own and no one has the right to judge someone based on his/her preferences. The words we say that many at times, we hardly take note of. But please. Take the effort to think through before speaking. I can't promise you that things are going to be better or what but trust me. 

Because at least, there will be one lesser person who's cooping under the blanket, escaping from reality. One lesser person whose razor is sliding across his/her arm. 
Bullying is not a joke. It can cause a person anguish and pain. And that, is no longer a reason for you to continue.
What may seem 'fun','entertaining' to us may be at the expense of someone's pain. Become the change you want to see. A positive change maker to end bullying starts with you. Stay strong.

Best Of Luck
Priscilla x

Thursday 30 October 2014

Moving On

You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.” -Tupak Shakur

Whenever I'm on the last chapter of a book, I'd feel a little bit of everything. Sadness. Disappointment. Regretful. What if the ending of the book isn't what I expect? What if everything can replay itself once again like a broken video recorder? What if...? What if? These questions will go through my mind when  I flip the pages. Similar to our lives, I'm quite certain that there were times where we couldn't let go of the past. We were unable to lie to ourselves that perhaps, everything might just be okay at the end of the day. And slowly by slowly, we allow ourselves to be consumed by that tinge bit of fear in us. A broken friendship, a memorable past and an unforgettable person. We cannot let go because we are still stuck on that certain page and we think to ourselves, 'Would things be different if I had done this instead?' Similar thoughts like this would have run through our minds and eventually leave us, confused and regretful. However, nothing will happen even if we spend a million days pondering and analyzing a situation. What's done has been done and there is absolutely nothing, I repeat, nothing we can do to make the situation better. After all, what is the point crying over spilled milk?

Perhaps, you're unable to let go of someone. But on a second thought, while you're here missing all the memories, that very person could be out enjoying himself/herself with a bunch of new friends. It sucks, doesn't it. Knowing the fact that you seem to be the only one living in the past while others have moved on longed ago really is horrible. That feeling, I get it. But as I've mentioned, there's nothing you can do anyway. Since the possibility of reuniting with that friend is 0.0000001% and a better chance of seeking a new path is 99.99999999%, what are your instincts telling you now then? :)

Ways to officially move on :
Moving on is never easy but no one said it was impossible.

1) Start living and appreciating.
As we drown in the past, we find ourselves constantly living in the past and at the same time, wishing we could return to it. This, of course, just shows that we are unable to accept the situation we are in and practically escaping from reality. Instead of wasting precious time thinking of the past, why not start appreciating the people who have been there for you since the beginning and not the ones who came and went. The love showered from our family. The concern shown by our peers telling you that they'll be there for you no matter what. These people are the ones we should treasure and love. And by letting go of the regrets you've had, you will find yourself gradually adapting to the real situation and who knows? Perhaps, you would've been too busy enjoying with the ones you love and would've long forgotten the past you thought you were unable to. You see, as long as we overcome that teeny bit of fear in us, nothing, almost nothing is really impossible. All it takes is a determind mindset and a brave heart.

2) Understand that not everything is in our control all the time.
There will be some things that just aren't up to us to decide and we might even end up hating those decisions but do note that everything happens for a reason. God's plans happen for a reason. Trust me on that. However, though we are unable to control the direction of the wind, we can control the ship. We can control our mindsets. We can control whether we are going to be affected. We can control the type of life we are going to live. We can change our destinies and not everything is pre arranged. Put your mind to it and believe in yourself. Our fates lie in our hands and only we can take the action to change it. 

3) Socialise out there
To start a whole new chapter, you would need a brand new set of company. New people. Meet new people and exchange contacts. It's always good to know more people. Expanding connections, there's no harm! Join gatherings, birthday blasts, parties and night outs with a bunch of friends! With more people entering your life, it'd be much easier for the memories of the past that you cannot bear to let go to gradually fade off. 

4) This is just part and parcel of life.
There will be people who come and go. There will also be people who would stay by your side. And through this journey, we will discover more of ourselves and who we truly are. The changes in our lives are necessary to allow us to grow from a young, small and innocent child to a mature adult. Be thankful for the the things that are happening and remember that God's plans are always for our good. You don't necessarily have to forget all the memories but just keep in mind of the good ones and cherish your present relationships. Gradually, you'll be able to find yourself letting go and moving on.

I've been there, just like you've and I know moving on is often the hardest. That's totally okay. Simple because, we're all growing up. 
Seek your chance and do what you think you should. Are you going to dwell on the past or learn from past experiences and take control of today? It's your call.

Cr: Owner

Best Of Luck

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Happy Or Useful

Happy? Happiness? What is it exactly? Is it just having fun or spreading joy to the people around us? On another hand, is being useful better than being happy? To be honest, let's just say I was dumbstrucked by this question, which I believe this is the exact state you are right now. I must say this question is practically the chicken and egg question. Which comes first? The egg? Or the chicken? No one probably has that answer. Oh well, maybe one or two but still. 

Let's break things out. Happiness is a blessing. To be happy is what every individual should aim for in his/her life. Just because what's the point in earning big bucks when you're all alone, sad and lonely. That, I agree. However, happiness is no longer a top priority when you neglect the people around you. Their emotions. Their feelings. Their self-esteems. Happiness will not last long that way because no one likes it when your friends start to distance from you gradually. Isn't it? Being happy is important but being happy to brighten up someone's day is even more important. 
Wait...doesn't this bring up another problem? How do you become happy when you are so busy making someone else's day? And this leads us to our second question. Being useful is indeed advantageous to the people around us and the society we are in. Being useful shows that you have a talent in something which another person might not have. However, at the end of the day, almost everyone is doing things for their own benefits. At the same time, while you're too busy helping and contributing to others, you start to forget about something. If you're on the right track, it's likely you'll know what you've forgotten. Especially if you've been in this situation. That's right. Bingo. 

Yourself. You've forgotten about yourself while being too busy over others' issues. There will be such situations that we cannot avoid but we can set priorities. Being useful while being happy. It's true that when you help others, you get that sense of joy too but there's one thing you need to understand — Sometimes, it's good to be on the receiving end at times so that it isn't just a 'giving' thing and instead, it's a 'giving and taking' thing. To love and do something for yourself while loving others because it's impossible to learn to love the people around you when you are unable to love yourself. And that's how you obtain happiness brought by others when they help you too just like how you do. Being useful and being happy.

There is a quote I know of, 'The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well'. 

Even with this quote, I still can't quite conclude which is a more important factor but one thing I know for sure is that while being useful and leading a good life, it's important to take a step back and see the bigger picture. That's when you know a little fairy powder has been added to your life. Having the best of both worlds is never possible but isn't it simply life? :-)

Best Of Luck

Wednesday 15 October 2014

In The Blink Of An Eye

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
- Mother Teresa
Time waits for none. In the blink of an eye, many people have came and gone. In the blink of an eye, your best friend may have joined another clique. In the blink of an eye, someone you love dearly will be going off. In the blink of an eye, anything can happen. I repeat, anything.
I wouldn't end this with a happy ending because deep in our hearts, we clearly know that happy ever afters do not exist and are possibly only in fairy tales ( an escape from reality that is only once in a blue moon ). And we know that things don't last forever simply because, the society and the people around us change with time. It's ridiculous how it works though. For a moment, you could be the first candidate on the haters' list to hate someone and possibly made a mental note to never talk to that person. However, the next moment, you could be the very same person who's actually crying and begging the person not to go. Such irony but yes. They do work like that, at least in my opinion. However, as heartless reality is, there will always be a glimpse of silver lining out there among the dark clouds. And that is, though we cannot have everything to be in our control, we can learn to take things in our stride by appreciating and being thankful to the people have stayed by your side since the beginning. To love all who love you and the ones who despise you because love comes more naturally to the heart than hate for even the worst human out there is not born with a heart of stone. Lend a hand to those who require your assistance. It doesn't necessarily be hard chores that require great strength all the time. Instead, it can be as simple as giving a big teddy hug to someone who's having an utterly horrible day. You see, you don't necessarily have to use words to comfort a person but instead by sitting by his/her side, listening to his/her woes and you could be of a much greater help. Your assistance doesn't necessarily solve a person's problem immediately but it's more than enough because your actions tell him/her that no matter what happens, even if the sky falls or the ground splits, I'll be there for you.
Right here, I'm telling you that there will never be an ending that we all agree on. Perhaps, the person standing next to you might leave tomorrow. Or the person whom you love dearly will no longer be around. That feeling. No one likes it. Time isn't in our control but as long as we leave no regrets for tomorrow and treasure the loved arounds around us, I think time is and will no longer be a factor. Say ' I love you' to your mom, dad  or even your friends. Hug everyone you see ( Not literally but guys, you get what I mean :) ) Appreciate everyone around you. Time is ticking. Yes it is. I hear it. Everyone hears it but are you going to wait for regrets when you no longer do? 

Best Of Luck 
Priscilla x

Friday 5 September 2014

It's Okay because We're only Humans.

'Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.'
We all have probably had that one awfully sickening bad day at school or at work— I assume to be. And when we get home, we scramble for the keys in your pocket and unlock the house door, only to lock it afterwards and dash to the comfort of your bedroom before locking it. Before you know it, tears are already rolling down your cheeks. One drop. Two drops. And finally you break down. 
I'm pretty sure that it is normal to behave that way from personal experience as well as considering the society we are in in present-day. I wouldn't say things go well all the time and in fact, they don't. Not all the time. But the times where you were hoping it had actually did. 

Why do we cry? 
I'm not going to be all scientific here because I'm not a science person duh but here's what I think. I believe it's an act triggered by an emotional impact in us. It could be due to overwhelming happiness or sadness but in this case, I'd be referring to sadness. 

Simply because today, I want to convey this message to you that it's okay to cry. It's okay to break down and it's simply okay for your walls to crumble because from my point of view, crying is perhaps unexpectedly the most ideal way to let out frustration or grief. When we cry, we're letting our walls crumble for a minute or two. When we cry, it's simply because there are situations where we don't think we can continue handling them anymore. It's good to cry, in fact but what's next after crying?

1. Wiping your tears
Duh. Do wipe them only after you're satisfied enough. Dry your tears so that another tear will never roll down again. Basically meaning it's time to get back up again.

2. Think through
Majority of people cry when something happens. It could be a loved one who had just passed on or it could be that you're feeling done with everything or others more. However, crying is not the solution to everything and a good efficient way is to really sit down and think through the ways you can overcome it. Could it be that you're thinking too much? If not, what are the steps you should take? If you miss someone, call them. If you want to talk to someone, text them. If you're feeling down, talk to a friend. As simple as that. You see, everything in life seems too conplicated but if we think again, hey! It's ourselves who are making things difficult. The lack of courage to talk or text someone. It's not easy to pick up your courage but isn't that way better than having to muddle over an issue and end up spoiling your moods? 

3. Moving on
Deep in our hearts, we know that moving on is often the simplest yet the hardest. But trust me, by putting down the weight that you volunteered to carry ( can you even believe that ), you will be able to let go of the past and move on to a brighter future with hopes and achievements  because who knows? So go out there and get yourself going!

Lastly, do remember that everything happens for a reason. Be it happy or sad, it's either you gain a treasure or you learn the right way to gain a treasure.
      © owner

Best Of Luck.

Sunday 31 August 2014


'In the space between yes and no, there's a lifetime. It's the difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it's the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; its the legroom for the lies you'll tell yourself in the future.'    - Jodi Picoult
Today, I want to talk about choices. In our everyday lives, we make decisions for practically everything. What should we wear in the morning? What breakfast shall I have? These mere yet important decisions actually, surprisingly, determine the start of a beautiful day. For example, if we choose not to have breakfast, we might suffer from gastrics later ok the afternoon but if you had chosen to have breakfast, you are most probably able to carry out the day with a fresh mind. In general, choices can be said as a stepping stone in a life journey. 

Why do we make choices? 
There are instances where we need to make a quick yet wise judgement. A situation that requires the need to be decided with different choices. 

Making the wrong choice 
Though we make choices all the time, there will be a time where we make a wrong choice. For example, mixing with the wrong company. Making a bad choice may result in dire consequences. And at that point of time, our walls start to crumble. We start to lose hope and wonder what's the solution to end it all. Yes, I've been there. Everyone has probably been there. But what keeps us going is the mental strength in us to believe the reasons behind our choices. We may have made a wrong judgement but there's always a turning point as long as you're willing to learn and treat this as a lesson. 

Believing in our choices
A choice that you make may not necessarily be approved or recognized by everyone and in here, I'm referring to a choice made with the right principles. We start to hesitate and wonder if we should forsake our decisions. But remember that when the world is against you, you need to prove them wrong. Prove to them that you have made the right choice through your actions. Because nothing will start unless we do.

Learning from our choices
Regardless of whether we made a right or a wrong choice, be grateful for the consequences because you're likely to end up with either a blessed ending or an ending which proves as an important lesson to instill values in us. 

To end it off, remember to take charge of your life and make the right choices for our destinies lie in our hands!
    ^Choices with principles applied (of course !)

Best of Luck
Priscilla x

Sunday 24 August 2014

Post Concert Depression

Okay so yesterday was literally the best night of my life💖 I had bought tickets to EXO's The Lost Planet Concert in Singapore and was basically screaming the moment I entered the stadium😭 ( as in how do you expect me to stay cool and calm like a cucumber when I'm finally seeing the people I've only been seeing on a screen😭 ) 
Anyway, the moment it started, everyone was waving the silver light stick and wow. Just one word. Spectacular😻. When the members appeared at the starting, I could hardly even believe my naked eyes. Am I really seeing them? Are they really EXO? I was shocked, surprised or even crying tears of joy ( I don't even know😭 )
I'll just upload 2 pictures because 
1) there are fans who take pictures from sites without credits
2) that isn't the main focus of my post today

But I wasn't too sure whether it was a dream. It felt surreal enough to think that I'm finally seeing them. At the same time, it was as if the dream had ended and boom. Back to reality. When I woke up this morning, I felt a little empty. It's like everything's over. And it might just be the very last time of my life. I'm not too sore when these emotions will die down but for now, I think I'll still be a little lost and a bit of everything.🙍 But one thing I know for sure is that this will end until the second time I put myself through this torturous obstacle once again😌

Friday 1 August 2014

We're only humans :)

I guess humans are humans, aren't they? 
At some points, we feel like we're not good enough or people around us make us feel inferior. It's the human mind, I must say. It's a basic instinct to feel a little down after knowing that you're not good as others or it's just you feeling that way. Different emotions in 365 days. It's important to feel sad because we're only humans and that it shows that we do care at times. But It's even more very important to know the reason behind certain emotions. 
Ask yourself. Why am I angry? Or why am I sad? Why am I feeling this way? Is it because someone had upsetted you? Or is it just one of those  bad days? 
I can't list out every situation and to provide solutions as to why and how. 
But here's five ways that might hopefully help you :
1. Do something that you enjoy.
Sports? Music? Or simply just staying home and treating yourself to a good sensational book ;) Go out there and find something that you like to do. We're all  of different characters and growing under different situations but I'm pretty sure that each and everyone of us has something to develop and you can take that first step to something bigger than what you've ever imagined! :) 

2. Laugh Out Loud
Even the best medicine in the world can certainly never beat this, I must say. LAUGHTER HAHAHA !!!!! The best way to relax and stay chill is to just laugh your way through phases and really, try not to be too tensed up all the time for you might be actually hiding that fun self in you. Laughter's not that hard to find though. All you have to do is to dial a favourite person and start chatting away and before you realise it, I certainly guarantee that you'll be feeling better in no time! Because a laughter a day keeps the mood swings away!  But wait, note that you should try to get back on track if you're laughing like a mad man every second HAHAHA ( did I make you laugh ) 

3. Eat and Exercise
The realistic idea of being happy is to treat ourselves well just simply because when our bodies are in a good condition, we naturally feel better. Just like how a bad hair day would affect how we perform for the day. It really goes down to what we're especially particular in. Eat more vegetables and treat yourself to a tub of ice-cream on certain days where nothing can really make us feel better. Fruits would definitely be the best source of fibre too! 
We all know having to wake up early in the morning to jog is definitely a chore but it's said that the human mind tend to be wider awake and fresher as we exercise in the morning. Take the effort to wake up an hour or two earlier in the morning to jog around your neighbourhood or simply stretch at home to loosen up your tensed muscles in the morning! Plenty of plain water will definitely do the trick to have brighter and clearer skin and of course, keeping the body in good condition and shape!

4. Keep track of your life
A diary would be the ultimate key. Keeping track of the things you do each day helps to set your goals and to achieve them step by step. 
Take a short 5 minutes to recollect the events that had happened recently and note them all down on a book! Or simply in your handy phone! As we face different phases of life, there are times where we need to learn how to sit back and think about the happy days but when we're done, it's time to move on gurl!

5. Be positive
Nothing can be better than having good thoughts. Mixing with our loved ones and having common interests to stay active and naturally, we'll start to have dreams and work for them. By having good thoughts, the people around us will feel comfortable and will certainly enjoy our company! Look at beautiful things happening around us. Birds chirping, the lovely sunrise and a hearty breakfast. Being optimistic will allow you to feel good about yourself and the way we should treasure ourselves every day! Start today by thinking and feeling good!

6. gasps* I think this is really necessary although I've added another way though 
Be yourself.
To love the people around you, you have to start by loving yourself and just be simply you. Don't let what others say matter to you. Laugh and joke around a little, it definitely makes life easier rather than having to think over every small little thing and in turn, affect your emotions! Don't hide your true self for real friends or loved ones will definitely be standing by you regardless of what happens. 
You may be imperfect but hey! Everyone's imperfect too! Show your skills and improve on your flaws as you take every day by a step. 
Isn't that what life's all about?

Best of luck to each and everyone of you!
Remember to stay happy!



Saturday 19 July 2014

Idols & Me

' The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special too ' - Anonymous

There's always someone we chase after or admire in our hearts and minds.
For today, let's just shift our focus to celebrities. We often talk about how good or how handsome a celebrity is. We start to buy their albums or even buy their merchandise. But it doesn't stop there. We start to relate everything in our lives to this certain celebrity. We start hoping that one day, we'll meet him/her. We start thinking further and start thinking about how would it be like if we actually met him/her. It'll be really cool. Really. Our fantasies start getting bigger and an obsession starts. Obsessing with someone who doesn't even know you exist. Thinking how would it be like if we actually met that celebrity and fell in love. That sounded impossible, didn't it? But trust me, I'm sure this thought crossed the minds of many fans out there.
We may think that at this moment, everything seemed almost perfect. Almost. But just missing something. Wait, what, how is it possible? Shouldn't everything be perfect now? 
No. It's not perfect because we're forgotten something.

Ourselves. We've forgotten ourselves. Scroll through your camera roll. I'm sure there are more photos of your celebrity compared to photos of you. Well, at least the majority. In the midst of chasing our dreams of our celebrities, we've gotten a little lost and are currently trapped in a maze. Unless we start thinking, we'll be stuck in there unknowingly. Put away thoughts of your celebrity. And think about what you've done for yourself. Are you happy? Really? 
Answer yourself honestly. To be honest, I was once there. I was once a hardcore fan of someone. But something woke me up. This certain celebrity had started dating. You could say it was a great shock to me. No, I wasn't shocked though. I knew this day was coming. After all, after putting so much effort into someone, and this piece of news just makes you feel betrayed, doesn't it? Spending a whole day copping at home admiring this person instead of taking the time to bond with your friends. You'd feel as if your whole life had just taken a 180 degrees turn. However, at the end of the day, I couldn't possibly blame anyone but myself.
If only I had drawn a line between a fan and something else and maybe I wouldn't be that affected by the news. If I had drawn a line between a fantasy and reality, maybe none of those would have really happened. I'm still a fan though but still currently in the process of learning to draw that line :) 
So really what I want to say is that you can be a fan but do make sure that it's a healthy hobby that truly makes your life happier and does not give you mood swings and causes you to stray away from your loved ones because after all, at the end of the day, the ones waiting for you at home or helping you at work or at school are the ones whom you should truly respect and admire for they would always be there for you no matter what.
Best Of Luck :-) 

Priscilla x
p.s. I've been so so SOOO glad that I've actually received a comment on my blog. A very first comment. Thank you :-)) I'd love to see more comments rolling in because THE MORE THE MERRIER HAHAHA :-)) 

Thursday 17 July 2014

The World Doesn't Go The Way I Want It To

'Everything happens for a reason.'
We all have something in mind. Something that we want to do. We hope we get to do what we want to just because it makes us happy. I think we all have our turns at times. What I mean is that it's not always us under the limelight all the time. But because we are too used to being under the limelight, we start to be complacent because we start taking things for granted. And when the spotlight is suddenly shining on others, you feel................... empty. You feel that you should be the one and not others. You should be the main character or role. You should be in charge. The light should be on you. That's wrong. If you're having that mindset all the time, it just simply means that you've forgotten your original motive. To do well in something. To ace the test. To be the main character of a musical. To be the indispensable one. No one is indispensable. The world doesn't stop even if someone is gone. Likewise, not everything goes our way all the time. We probably won't be able to understand why but by putting ourselves in others' shoes, we will begin to empathize with others and at the same time, we start to be aware of the fact that others too, deserve a turn. And it's not just me, me and me all the time. 
It's okay if we don't get our turn this time.
It's okay if our turn hasn't arrived yet. I won't be able to predict who's turn will come next. But trust yourself. Not anyone but yourself. Trust in whoever you believe in. Do your best. And only then, I'm pretty sure your turn's definitely only a second away! 

Best of luckk :)

Monday 14 July 2014

The Little Things We Often Forget

'When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.'
— John Lennor

As we grow up, just like caterpillars turning into pupa, we're often influenced by the people or things around us. Whether at work or at school. And as we develop, we start to forget the things that used to make us happy easily. I remember begging my mom the whole week just to buy me a can of sweets and having her to read a book to me before I went to bed or I wouldn't sleep. I would make sure my sister gets the blue bed sheet while I always got the pink dotted one and would have 'pillow wars' all night before we were finally exhausted and had to go to bed feeling sweaty. Though it's fun having to grow up, but at times, it gets a little tiring. When we were 5, friends would make up as soon as they started quarreling. When we were 5, we could go out without having to matter what we wore. When we were 5, nothing else really mattered because all we did was to be happy all day long.
       see that ^ ( cr : owner )
Just being happy. Now that we've grown up, we start to have desires. Desiring power and status. Wealth and Fortune. And while we're busy striving for these, we are slowly forgetting about the little child in us. As long as we're humans, we'd all miss rolling down the grass hill or having roller skate shoes that would carry us wherever we went to. It's good to learn to grow up because we all have to one day. We can't be like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell in Neverland. It never works this way. Think about the fun times you had and relieve those moments again just simply because we technically only have this life. Just one life. Instead of spending your entire lifetime seeking wealth, seek for something else that matters more than status and authority. As for me, I'm pretty sure I've found mine but it's a tiny little secret hehehehe 
What about yours? Have you found yours today? Share it with me in the comments section :) 
I'd love to hear from everyonee~


Tuesday 8 July 2014


' If I said this world was perfect, I'd probably be lying because
1. that only happens in fairy tales. 
2. Reality. '

In this world, there are over 230 countries and in each country, there will always be families that aren't as well off compared to other households. It's funny how this world works. We like pretty people so we start hating on ugly people. We judge one another based on each other's attires and languages. It's funny how we know that materials don't make a man but it's the heart that makes one yet we continue living in this judgmental way of life. It's also sad that people who are judged are unable to stand up for themselves or even oppose. They just silently accept it, not because they have to, but simply because in this world, almost everything works this way.
Are you in this situation? 
Pretty. Smart. Charismatic. Genius. Rich.
Instead of all these labels that affect the way we carry out ourselves, isn't it time to open our hearts and minds to truly look at a person? For once, look at a person but not with your eyes. Not with your minds. Not with the realistic thinking you've been using for the past 10, 20 years of your life. But simply with your heart. Look at a person with your heart and it is only then, you will be able to see how this person truly is.  
Everyone has a story to tell. 
For every story, everyone had gone through something that changed them. 
But what matters isn't that you've changed but instead, do ask yourself whether you are still carrying hope.

There's no purpose in life without hope because only hope can keep a person's spirit to continue burning without being fazed. All in all, the root of all these situations is the way we think. Give a chance to those who deserve it but can't, due to circumstances. If we could think a little deeper or even understand someone better, I think it's gonna make a whole lot of a great difference.
'No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. ' - Nelson Mandela
And with that, I'll end here. 
'Purely my opinion'


Sunday 6 July 2014

All About Me

'We all want everything to be okay. We don't even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding. We will happily settle for okay because sometimes, okay is enough :) '

I wouldn't say I'll be able to solve life problems. Like honestly. However, through life's challenges that await me one by one, I secretly hope every post that I post ( wait what never mind about the repetition😂 )  might possibly heal a tainted soul but firstly, never mind about why you're here, I'm just too glad that you've visited my very first blog. And without further ado, I'll be spending a short 2 minutes ( I'm sorry my estimation sucks so if you're taking a stopwatch out, you might wanna put that back ) sharing about me.

I'm Priscilla a.k.a 'Pris' 
That's what my classmates call me although I would prefer to be known as just 'Priscilla' which simply means 'Ancient' according to the Bible. Probably another likely reason why I love History. Pure Chinese Singaporean , that's me :) 
It's amazing how I've managed to overcome the different obstacles in my life and I'm pretty much sure that there will be more ups and downs but hey , what's a life without ups and downs? 
I'm also another Korean Pop Fan you see these days ( a healthy one though ) . EXO (OH YEAH oops sorry I'm supposed to be cool and calm) 
    baekhyunnn💛 cr: see the light

*returns to calm self* and I'm totally in love with the beautiful Korea🎈 As in, everything's awesome there. The people, places and FOOOD ( I'm a food maniac don't mind me )
And if you love beautiful sceneries, you definitely cannot miss Korea 👍 and of course, the widely known KOREAN DRAMASS😍 Rooftop Prince, Secret Garden , My Husband Got A Family .. ( My all time Favourites 💛 ) I'd also love it if you shared your favourite Korean Drama with me in the comments below hehe .. 
A beautiful life with wonderful people.
What more can I ask for? :)
That's about it YAY 
hoped you had a blast reading this and I truly appreciate every reader who takes the time to adventure with me through this post ^ Pretty please ~~ do give my blog lots of loveee 
Thank youuu